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2019-12-31 10:00:02 | 来源:网络及考生回忆


If you have ever considered launching a startup. you may feel that it requires am al-m,  percent focus, which would mean leaving a full time job. A new book by Patrick McGinnis,venture capitalist and founder of Dirigo Advisors,argues that all you need is  of your spare time to become an entrepreneur. Patrick stopped by the Knowledgc@Wharton Show on Sirius XM channel 111 to talk about the book, The  Entrepreneur.

Knowledge@Wharton How did you arrive at ?

Patrick McGinnis:I did this myself I was the guy bumbling around in the dark room looking for the light switch in my own life. I came out of this experience where my career went into upheaval,and I was looking for diversification. I started thinking,“What's an appropriate amount of time to spend on things outside of my day job that is meaningful but achievable?”I started at . I thought, that feels hike a lot let me get down to . Over time, I found out that the average angel investor invests of their net worth in side ventures.

Knowledge@Wharton:How many potential entrepreneurs do you think are scared away because they feel like they are sticking their neck out there, that they have to go  or they can't go at all?

McGinnis:It's a substantial number of people. They look at that and say,“I's great, but I have a good job. I'm doing something that I always wanted to do. I'm not going to give all that up for the rollercoaster that is entrepreneurship.”I think it's actually quite pervasive. As I've talked to people about the book,I've been shocked at how many people throughout society are struggling with this dilemma.

81、Who is the author of the 10X Entrepreneur?( )





82、Why  is valid according to Patrick?( )

A、Only  can be called part-time.

B、Patrick himself proved  to be plausible.

C、 sounds very cool. The book sells better this way.

D、 symbolize a small percentage. It is not a specific number.

83、What does “pervasive” mean?( )





84、What does “I was the guy bumbling around in the dark room looking for the light switch in my own life.” Imply?( )

A、have gone through hard times. during which I look for hope against all odds

B、buy bulb to bight up the dark room all the times

C、got used to the feeling of fling down in the dark room but haven't surrender yet

D、liked to live in dark room so that I can look for light

85、What is NOT the reason that deter people from starting up their own business?( )

A、The opportunity cost is high

B、 is a lot of effort to begin with

C、Starting up business is too risky

D、They are somewhat satisfied with their jobs


It’s a common, unnerving sight that no employee wants to see. Your boss is at the office before you arrive every morning. And he/she is still there when you leave every night. Adding to that stomach- sinking sensation is the act that your Monday morning inbox is full of emails your boss sent the team over the weekend. Instead of being inspired by your boss’s ubiquitous presence,you start to wonder,"Does this person have a life?" You hustle and hit every deadline that's given to you. You tackle extra projects thrown your way. But after clocking eight or nine hours at the office,you go homo-unlike your boss. Do you have to match his/her marathon pace to get ahead?

Not necessarily,experts say. "You can impress a workaholic boss by achieving just as much as ho or she does without letting work hijack your personal life." says Kirstin O'Donovan The following pointers will help you prove your worth without becoming a workaholic.

Make your impact obvious

Show your boss what results you're achieving by sending a summary at the end of the day or week. But when you send along these progress reports, focus on what you accomplished and the impact of your work not the hours you logged to do it.

Step up your productivity

Once you've shifted the focus on how much you get done. and not how long you spend doing it, start working on increasing your efficiency.

Begin by identifying and eliminating "time thieves," and managing potential distractions such as email and interruptions from chatty co-workers. Then move on to planning. and prioritizing your workload. "Some people spend too much time working because they think everything is urgent," says Kirstin O’Donovan.

And be proactive to show your boss you are on the lookout for new solutions. "If there are some policy changes. Software updates or organizational shifts that could skyrocket your productivity. share that with your boss as well."

86、Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word “ubiquitous”?( )


B、present everywhere



87、According to the first suggestion, which of the following is most appropriate?( )

A、tell your boss how many hours and how much efforts you have spent on the project

B、explain why some of your assigned work fails

C、share with your boss all the actual progress you made during the workweek

D、show him how you smartly accomplish the assigned asks

88、Why the author suggests sharing certain software updates to your boss?( )

A、Because it will greatly enhance boss' work efficiency

B、Because it can make boss work less hours

C、Because it shows to the boss that you are on the lookout for new solutions

D、Because boss will appreciate your generosity and kindness

89、This article most probably belongs to what magazine column?( )

A、Interview tips

B、Career center

C、Work-life balance

D、Bosses & Coworkers

90、Which of the following is the most suitable title for the article?( )

A、Two simple tips that will make you happier at work

B、How to impress your workaholic boss without turning into a workaholic yourself

C、Exercise your limits in working longer hours

D、Two things to do ASAP when a promotion makes you the boss of your friends


How did Tencent take WeChat so far ahead of its rivals? The answer lies partly in the peculiarities of the local market. Unlike most Westerners,many Chinese possessed multiple mobile devices, and they quickly took to an app that offered them an easy way to integrate them all into a single digital identity. In America messaging apps had a potent competitor in the form of basic mobile-phone plans,which bundled in SMS messaging. But text messages were costly in China,so consumers eagerly adopted the tree messaging app. And e-mail never took off on the mainland the way it has around the world, mainly because the internet came late;that left an opening for messaging apps.

But the bigger explanation for WeChat’s rise is Tencent’s ability to innovate. Many Chinese grew up using QQ,a PC-based messaging platform offered by Tencent that still has over 800m registered users. QQ was a copy of ICQ,a pioneering Israeli messaging service. But then the Chinese imitator learned to think for itself. Spotting the coming rise of the mobile internet. Tencent challenged several internal teams to design and develop a smartphone only messaging app. The QQ insiders came up with something along the lines of their existing product for the PC,but another team of outsiders (from a just-acquired firm) came up with WeChat. When Tencent launched the new app. it made it easy for QQ's users to transfer their contacts over to the new app.
