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2019-12-31 10:00:02 | 来源:网络及考生回忆

Times have changed, and so has the criteria for resume length. The new guideline is A resume should be long enough to entice hiring managers to call you for job interviews. That may sound vague, but there is no hard and-fast resume length rule that works for everyone. Factors to consider include career objective. Occupation,industry,years of experience,number of employers, scope of accomplishments and education/training.

Keep these facts in mind when deciding on resume length:

·Your resume is a career marketing tool, not an autobiography. Strive to keep your resume concise and focused on your key selling points. Let go of past experiences that don't market you for your current goal. Every word in the resume should sell your credentials and value to a potential employer. You should also leave something to talk about in the interview.

·It's common for employers or recruiters to sort through hundreds,or even thousands,of resumes to fill one position. Hiring managers often give resumes just a cursory glance before deciding if the applicant deserves to be added to the “maybe” pile. While your resume will probably get a more thorough read if you are called for a job interview. ensure that your strongest selling points are immediately visible to make the first cut.

Use a one-page resume if:

·You have less than 10 years of experience.

·You're pursuing a radical career change. and your experience isn't relevant to your new goal.

·You've held one or two positions with one employer.

Use a two-page resume if:

·You have l0 or more years of experience related to your goal.

·Your field requires technical or engineering skills, and you need space to list and prove your technical knowledge.

·Put the most important information at the top of the first page. Lead your resume with a career summary so your key credentials appear at the forefront of the resume. On the second page, include a page number and your name and contact information.

Consider a three-page resume or longer if:

·You're a senior-level manager or executive with a long track record of leadership accomplishments,and that experience is well related to your goal.

·You arc in an academic or scientific field with an extensive list of publications, speaking engagements,professional courses,licenses or patents.

71、Which of the following is in the closest meaning to the underlined word “credential”?( )





72、According to the article, what is true about hiring managers?( )

A、They always take only a quick glance at all resumes

B、They always fail to receive enough resumes for one position

C、They only like resumes that follow the golden one-page rule

D、They like resumes which tell a lot about applicants' personal stories

73、For a college graduate seeking a job, with many extracurricular and social activity experiences. which length should he/she choose?( )



C、Three page

D、All of the above are okay

74、For a senior-level manager with a long tract of leadership and accomplishments, but is considering transferring into a non-relevant career. which length should he/she choose?( )




D、All of the above are okay

75、Which of the following is the most suitable title for the article?( )

A、Cover letter etiquette. What should your cover letter say

B、Resume tips for an entry-level admin

C、Guidance on when you should send a one-,two-or three-page resume

D、The worst fonts for your resume ranked


The expression benchmarking has become one of the fashionable words in current management discussion The term first appeared in the United States in the 1970s but has now gained world wide recognition. But what exactly does it mean and should your company be practicing it?

One straightforward definition of benchmarking comes from Chris Tether managing director of a New Zealand-based consultancy firm specializing in this area. "Benchmarking involves learning about your own practices, learning about the best practices of others, and then making changes for improvement that will enable you to meet or beat the best in the world." The essential element is not simply imitating what other companies do but being able to adapt the best of other firms" practices to your own situation.

The process of identifying best practice in other companies does not just mean looking closely at your competitors. It might also include studying companies which use similar processes to your own,even though they are producing different goods. The point is to look at the process rather than the product. For example,Italian computer company Arita wanted to improve the quality of its technical manuals and handbooks. Instead of looking at manuals produced by other computer companies. Arita turned to a publisher of popular handbooks such as cookery books, railway timetables and car repair manuals. As Arita's Technical Director Claudio Benclii says,"All of these handbooks are communicating complex information in a simple way,exactly what we are aiming to do. And in many cases they succeed far better than any computer company."

There is some disagreement between benchmarking specialists as to the best methods to follow when starting a benchmarking exercise in your firm. Everyone agrees that the process must have the full approval of senior management but that it is best carried out by a comparatively small team. Some consultants feel this should be as small as three people but most favor a team of between five and eight at least one of whom should have some prior knowledge of the benchmarking process.

76、According to Chris Tether. what does benchmarking involve?( )

A、Cooperate with the other companies that have better practices

B、Imitate what the best companies in the filed do

C、Compare your own practices with the best ones in the felD、D、Always change your own practices

77、What is the core of benchmarking?( )

A、Copy other firm's practices and be able to adapt to new situations

B、Imitate what the best companies do

C、Identify the best companies in the fielD、D、Make the best practices suitable for your own situation

78、Why does the Italian computer company Arita look at a publisher of popular handbooks such as cookery books,railway timetables and car repair manuals?( )

A、Because the publisher is one of the competitors of Arita

B、Because the publisher uses similar processes to produce handbooks

C、Because the publisher is associate with many computer companies

D、Because the publisher produces handbooks for Arita

79、What is in common between the publisher and Arita?( )

A、Both of them try to deliver complicated meanings in an easy way on handbooks

B、Both of them are the best in their field

C、Both of them are publishers

D、Both of them are communicating with customers a lot

80、What do benchmarking specialists agree?( )

A、Benchmarking must receive full support from top managers

B、Benchmarking must be carried out in a small team of no more than three people

C、The best number of members in a team is between five and eight

D、Every team member is supposed to have some prior knowledge of benchmarking
