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2016-12-31 15:00:56 | 来源:网络及考生回忆

121、Which one of the following statements is NOT meant by the writer?(    )

A、Scientists have been trying to break the ice-rich layers of soil on Mars.

B、Scientists have been surprised by how the soil on Mars behaves.

C、Scientists have been trying to fend out if there is life supporting material on Mars.

D、Scientists have been trying to know if water ice wi11 melt.

122、Where are the scientists involved in the research from?(    )

A、They are from America.

B、They are from Canada.

C、They are from both America and Canada.

D、They are from neither America nor Canada.

123、Which of the following do you think is the best description of Phoenix' s Surface Stereo Imager Camera,according to your understanding of the passage?(    )

A、It imitates human vision and is able to capture three-dimensional images.

B、It imitates human voice and is able to record slight sounds while taking photos.

C、It akes clear photos that show every detail of the object.

D、It is this particular type of camera that can take wide angle pictures.


Cell phones are a danger on the road in more ways than one. Two new studies show that talking on the phone while traveling, whether you're driving or on foot,is increasing both pedestrian deaths and those of drivers and passengers, and recommend crackdowns on cell1 use by both pedestrians and drivers.

The new studies, lead-authored by Rutgers University, Newark, Economics Professor Peter D. Loeb2,  136   showing that the current increase in deaths resulting from cell phone use follows a period when cell phones actually helped to reduce pedestrian and traffic fatalities. However, this reduction in fatalities disappeared once the numbers of phones in use reached a “critical mass” 3 of 100 million, the study found. These studies looked at cell phone use and motor vehicle accidents from 1975 through 2002,  137   including vehicle speed, alcohol consumption, seat belt use, and miles driven. The studies found the cell phone-fatality correlation to be true even when including factors such as speed, alcohol consumption, and seat belt use.

Loeb and his co-author determined that, at the current time, cell phone use has a “significant adverse effect on pedestrian safety” and that “cell phones and their usage above a critical thresholds adds to motor vehicle fatalities.” In the late 1980s and part of the 1990s, before the numbers of phones exploded, cell phone use actually had a “life saving effect” in pedestrian and traffic accidents, Loeb notes. “Cell-phone users' were able to quickly call for medical assistance when involved in an accident. This quick medical response actually reduced the number of traffic deaths for a time,” Loeb hypothesizes.

However,   138  when they caused a “life-taking effect” among pedestrians, drivers and passengers in vehicles. In those early days, when there were fewer than a million phones, fatalities increased, says Loeb,          139   and there weren't enough cell phones in use to make a difference in summoning help following an accident, he explains.

The “life-taking effect” occurred as the volume of phones grew into the early 1990s,  140  explains Loeb. But this life-saving effect was canceled out once the numbers of phones reached a “critical mass” of about 100 million and the “life-taking effect”. increased accidents and fatalities outweighed the benefits of quick access to 911 services, according to Loeb.


 Loeb2,  136   showing that the current increase in deaths resulting from cell phone use follows a period when cell phones actually helped to reduce pedestrian and traffic fatalities.

A、this was not the case when cells were first used in the mid-1980s.

B、because drivers and pedestrians probably were still adjusting to the novelty of using them.

C、and factored in a number of variables.

D、relate the impact of cell phones on accident fatalities to the number of cell phones in use.

ELoeb and his co-authors used econometric models to analyze data from a number of government and private studies

Fto reduce the number of fatalities

Gand increasing numbers of cells were used to call 911 following accidents, leading to a drop in fatalities


These studies looked at cell phone use and motor vehicle accidents from 1975 through 2002,  137   including vehicle speed, alcohol consumption, seat belt use, and miles driven.

A、this was not the case when cells were first used in the mid-1980s.

B、because drivers and pedestrians probably were still adjusting to the novelty of using them.

C、and factored in a number of variables.

D、relate the impact of cell phones on accident fatalities to the number of cell phones in use.

ELoeb and his co-authors used econometric models to analyze data from a number of government and private studies

Fto reduce the number of fatalities

Gand increasing numbers of cells were used to call 911 following accidents, leading to a drop in fatalities


However,  138  when they caused a “life-taking effect” among pedestrians, drivers and passengers in vehicles.

A、this was not the case when cells were first used in the mid-1980s

B、because drivers and pedestrians probably were still adjusting to the novelty of using them

C、and factored in a number of variables

D、relate the impact of cell phones on accident fatalities to the number of cell phones in use

ELoeb and his co-authors used econometric models to analyze data from a number of government and private studies

Fto reduce the number of fatalities

Gand increasing numbers of cells were used to call 911 following accidents, leading to a drop in fatalities


In those early days, when there were fewer than a million phones, fatalities increased, says Loeb,  139   and there weren't enough cell phones in use to make a difference in summoning help following an accident, he explains.

A、this was not the case when cells were first used in the mid-1980s.

B、because drivers and pedestrians probably were still adjusting to the novelty of using them.

C、and factored in a number of variables.

D、relate the impact of cell phones on accident fatalities to the number of cell phones in use.

ELoeb and his co-authors used econometric models to analyze data from a number of government and private studies

Fto reduce the number of fatalities

Gand increasing numbers of cells were used to call 911 following accidents, leading to a drop in fatalities


The “life-taking effect” occurred as the volume of phones grew into the early 1990s,  140  explains Loeb.

A、this was not the case when cells were first used in the mid-1980s

B、because drivers and pedestrians probably were still adjusting to the novelty of using them

C、and factored in a number of variables

D、relate the impact of cell phones on accident fatalities to the number of cell phones in use

ELoeb and his co-authors used econometric models to analyze data from a number of government and private studies

Fto reduce the number of fatalities

Gand increasing numbers of cells were used to call 911 following accidents, leading to a drop in fatalities


